How to sell your e-book on Gumroad

Publishing your own eBook can be a rewarding endeavor, both creatively and financially. Chapters provides a simple platform to convert your manuscript into a professional eBook. Once your eBook is ready, Gumroad serves as an excellent platform to sell your creation. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to take your eBook from Chapters to Gumroad:

Creating Your eBook on Chapters

First create your book on Chapters by typing it directly, or importing a .DOCX file. Then export a PDF and ePub file.

Preparing Your eBook for Sale

Before moving on to Gumroad, ensure you have your eBook files ready in both EPUB and PDF formats. Here are the pros and cons of each format:

  • EPUB:
    • Pros: Re-flowable text, easier on the eyes, lightweight, and widely accepted.
    • Cons: Not all devices support EPUB.
  • PDF:
    • Pros: Maintains formatting, universally compatible.
    • Cons: Heavier file, not re-flowable, can be hard to read on small screens.

You don’t have to choose between the two formats; offering both can cater to a wider audience.

Setting up on Gumroad

  • Create a Gumroad Account: Sign up for a Gumroad account if you don’t have one already.
  • Product Setup: Click on Products then Start selling today, and then Start a new product. Choose Classic for a simple product setup.
  • Product Details: Fill in the name of your eBook, set a price, and upload your eBook files (EPUB and PDF).
  • Create a Bundle (Optional): If you want to offer both formats as a bundle, simply upload both files under the same product. Customers appreciate having a choice in file format.
  • Description and Imagery: Write a compelling description and upload captivating imagery to entice potential buyers.
  • Publish: Once everything looks good, hit the Publish button to make your eBook live on Gumroad.
  • Promote Your eBook: Share the link to your Gumroad product on social media, your website, and other platforms to attract buyers.

Gumroad makes selling your eBook straightforward and provides a platform for your readers to securely purchase and download your book. By offering both EPUB and PDF formats, you cater to a broader audience, ensuring a more successful eBook selling experience.